Tally education version

Tally ERP 9 Educational Version Free Download – Installation, Activation & Difference between Tally Education Version and Tally Full Version

Are you learning Tally ERP 9 and worried about, how to download Tally ERP 9 Educational Version free of cost for education or practice purposes? if the answer is Yes, then you are on the right place.

I am sure most of you are not aware that Tally also has an education version along with the full version of Tally as Single User Tally and Multi-User Tally.  These are the most selling versions of Tally.

To buy Tally software for learning will cost near about 21000 Indian Rupee. It’s not possible for every student to buy it at this price. It’s a big amount for a student who wants it for just learning purposes.

To solve this, Tally has specially designed a version for student’s which is known as Tally Education Version.

So, Tally has introduced this education version, just to help students to learn Tally without any investment. Tally Education version is not different from Tally full version.

Actually, it’s the same software just with some restrictions. You can run any Tally in education mode. You have to just press Alt + W and your Tally education mode is ready to use.

Like a Tally full version, you have no need to login to it and it will show you reports of company & user information for the current date only or the date that you input.

As it’s an education version, so users can only add entries of 1, 2 & 31(last date of a month) of a month. This is the main or the only limitation in the education Tally.

And the rest is the same as Tally full version. You can create companies as many as you want, you can manage accounts and add stock as many as you want.

Is Tally Education Version Free?

Tally Education Version is completely free and even you don’t have to renew it yearly. 

It does not ask you to submit any kind of document to prove that you are a student for downloading and using the Education Version of Tally.

The downloading process is very simple like any other software. Just go to the website and download it.

A complete process of downloading and installation with activation is shared below.

How to download Tally ERP 9 Educational Version?

As we already discussed that Tally education mode is nothing, just a Tally full version with date restriction. So the download process is the same as the full version. But for your convenience here we are sharing the step-by-step guide to download the Tally education version.

  • For Tally ERP 9 Educational version free Download, you have to visit  “Tally ERP 9 Download”.
  • Here you will get a list of all the versions of Tally released till today. Choose the version you want to download.
  • Note: if you are installing Tally first time on your device then simply download and INSTALL.
  • But, if you have already installed any version of Tally on your computer, then we strongly recommend you to take a backup of your Tally data first.
  • After backing up your data you can download Tally software.
  • Wait for a few seconds and your download will start automatically.
  • Once your download is complete you can refer to the below steps for installation.

How to install Tally Education Version?

We have already shared a complete step-by-step procedure on how to download the “Tally education version”. Here we are sharing how to install it. So if you don’t have a setup file, please download it referring above shared steps and then refer below-listed steps.

  • Once you have downloaded the setup.exe, double click on setup.exe to begin the installation process.
  • The very first screen that comes after double-clicking is like this. This screen is asking you to select the folder where you want to keep the installation file.
How to install Tally Education version
  • You do not need to change anything here until you know about it.
  • Just Click on INSTALL and set back for a few minutes.
  • After a few minutes, you will see this screen.
Installation of Tally Educational Version
  • Congratulations! You have successfully installed the Tally Software.
  • Your Tally is now pending activation.
  • Once you have installed Tally, then you can refer to the below steps for the Activation process of Tally.

How to Activate Education mode in Tally ERP 9?

If you followed all the above steps, then we are assuming that you have downloaded and installed Tally successfully. So let’s start the process of Tally Activation. For this, you have to follow the series of screenshots for a better understanding.

  • Once you click on DONE after installation, Tally software will start automatically and will look like this.
Tally Setup Screen
  • Then keep in mind that don’t click on the “Activate Your License” option.
Activate your Tally Education Version License
  • Now either press W on your keyboard or press Alt + W in the Startup screen or select via the mouse on “Work in Education Mode” and hit enter.
Working in Tally Educational Mode
  • Now, it’s done and you are good to go. No further login is required for the education version.
Tally Welcome Screen
  • You can also cross verify with the above-shared screenshot.

What is the difference between Tally Education Version and Tally Full Version?

If you have read this article till here, then I am sure you already got the answer to this question. But still, let me explain one more time with more clarity. 

An education version is nothing different from the full version. A Tally full version with date restriction, it’s called the education version. It has the same process of downloading and installation, but activation is different from the full version.

Tally Education Version Tally Full Version
You can’t add entries for each day. You are only allowed to add records on 1, 2 and 31 last day of the month.
You can use it without any restriction.
It’s completely Free, just download and activate it without any licence. There is no expiry date in the Education Version of Tally.
A full version of Tally needs an upfront cost as well as an Annual Licence renewal free.
You are not allowed to use the functionality of auto-bank reconciliation.
No such kind of restriction is applicable. You can use it without any restriction.

Can we use Tally Education Version for Business use?

As business owners, we sell goods and services on a daily basis. So to manage our business, we have a need to record entries on daily basis. But as we discussed above in the education version of Tally, we are allowed to add entries only on 3 days and we can’t add records each day for the whole month.

So, I don’t think is there any business which deals on 1, 2 and the last day of the month only. So, I think you got the answer.


“Education version for students is a good initiative from Tally. This not only helps students, but it also helps to build an ecosystem where anybody can learn full Tally with the help of Education Version and start working on Tally.

So basically by providing an Education Version, Tally is investing in its future business. Because after learning, you need the full version of Tally to work and it helps to increase the Tally further sales.”

16 thoughts on “Tally ERP 9 Educational Version Free Download – Installation, Activation & Difference between Tally Education Version and Tally Full Version”

  1. i can not download my window 10 free educational tall software please need your advice sir regarding the issue!!

    1. Hi Dan,
      The education version is not a different software setup, Its just an activation process. So You can simply download whatever version you want and just activate as per the steps mentioned in the above article.

      Here is the website Tallyerp9download.com from where you can download any version of Tally free of cost.

  2. hello is there an option or an alternatve way to run this sofware in my tablet or macbook. I’m learning tally and i need it for educationaal practise

  3. i have download erp 9 educational when series a release 5.0(latest) is shown. But now problem is my client data not open this educational tally shown error” incorret ver(12). can only run verision 10!”

    can i resolve this issue???

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